French Bulldog puppies are so fun to watch as they develop from day 1 to day 60. There are noticeable changes every day! From the day that we meet them until the day that they go to their “furever” home, we are working hard to give them every opportunity to be healthy, happy Frenchie puppies that will thrive and grow into amazing companions for you and your family.
Once we are home from the vet (Frenchie puppies are born by cesarean), the first 48-72 hours is spent helping mama bond with her new babies. Since the puppies are not whelped naturally, it is quite an adjustment for her. All she knows is that she had an amazing nap and woke up with babies that depend on her for food and cleaning!
We place them in a whelping box in a quiet area of our home that helps her feel secure and safe. When she has accepted the puppies and we are sure they are eating well and gaining weight, we can take a sigh of relief.
However, the Frenchie breeders job does not stop there. We observe her with her puppies around the clock for most of the first 2-3 weeks. If we can’t be there with them for even a moment, we separate mama and babies.
It is best to keep them together as much as possible for everyone’s health, so much of this time we get little to no sleep! French Bulldog puppies must eat at least every 2 hours at this age.
As the puppies grow and mature, their eyes open and they usually can hear by 3 weeks old. They become more mobile and less fragile, so we do not have to be so attentive as long as we have a great mama dog.
This is when the real work begins! We move the little family from the whelping box to a larger pen area that is located in a busier part of our home. We provide visual, textural, and audible stimulation beginning at this time, and we also introduce a potty box to teach the little ones how to eliminate in one spot.
Mama has stopped picking up the puppy waste so now that’s our job! This is also the time when we consider introducing mush to the puppy’s diet if we feel they are ready.
By 5-6 weeks we have introduced a crate and chew toys into their environment. They are spending less time with mama, becoming more independent and really are coming into their own personalities. We continue to expose them to new sights and sounds, and socialization begins.
At 7 weeks old they go for their first car ride to the vet for a check up and first vaccination. We also take them for a trip to visit other animals and people in a safe environment, and we conduct our personality testing.
By this age they should be weaned completely and are mostly potty trained. Basic manners training has also been instilled and by this time they have learned that they must sit calmly to receive food.
Would you like to have a glimpse behind the scenes? We regularly post videos on social media! Check us out on Facebook and Instagram so that you can see how each puppy is raised.
60 days go by so quickly! We fall in love with each and every one of our puppies. Now they have begun to bond with humans and want to spend time with us. This is when we know the puppies are ready to go home.
It’s time for us to pack a puppy-go-home bag full of goodies, toys, and a blanket or item that smells like their litter mates to help them transition to their new family. Delivery day is bittersweet as we finally get to introduce you to your new family member and we give away a little piece of our hearts.
Our Frenchie puppies go home with so much more than a puppy-go-home bag. Visit our About Us page to see a detailed list of all of the valuable things that come with RickJenn French Bulldog puppies.