The fluffy French Bulldog, which is a long haired French Bulldog, is a genetic rarity where the Frenchie carries 2 copies of the recessive long hair gene. French Bulldogs, as a standard, have short, flat coats.
Within the last 20 years or so, genetic testing has become available to breeders. With this ability, we can test for disease and characteristics, such as coat color, and hair and tail length.
These tests help breeders make good decisions about breeding practices to maintain breed standards, keep healthy lines and determine the traits of their offspring.
Because of this testing, breeders have discovered that some short haired French Bulldogs carry 1 copy of the long hair gene. Additionally, as we gained knowledge on genetics, breeders figured out how to create long haired puppies.
This can be accomplished by breeding a pair of short haired Frenchies that are carriers of the recessive gene. Each parent dog passes on their copy of the recessive long hair gene to a percentage of their offspring. As a result, the visually Fluffy French Bulldog is created.
When it comes to the purity of the long haired French Bulldog, there are some differing opinions. Some believe that in order for this recessive gene to be present, a Frenchie must have been bred to another breed of dog.
For example, bred to a long-haired Chihuahua or a Pekinese. Others feel that the gene may have come from the Terriers bred with miniature bulldogs to create the French Bulldog.
According to the book “Le Bouledogue Francais” a long haired French Bulldog existed in the early 1900’s. At that time, they were referred to as the Angora French Bulldog.
This proves that the Angora French Bulldog existed almost 100 years ago! It is our understanding that breeders considered it a genetic fault and would cull the Angora coated dog from the breeding program as not to produce it again.
Fast forward to the 21st Century, when the fluffy Frenchie has become highly sought after and many breeders are choosing to produce them. Today, the long haired version is one of the many popular varieties available. Reputable breeders who uphold ethical standards are producing long haired French Bulldogs with purebred pedigree papers.
The long haired French Bulldog is quickly growing in popularity amongst pet owners and breeders alike. The cuteness of the flat-faced, bat-eared, big-eyed Frenchie is magnified when you add long, curly hair around the face and ears. They look like a little teddy bear!
At RickJenn Frenchies, we currently do not have any fluffy French Bulldogs. Nevertheless, we have heard from other breeders that the furry variety has a softer coat and may shed less or hardly at all compared to some short-coated Frenchies.
Because of the high demand for a fluffy French Bulldog, their price is astronomical. Many factors determine the cost, such as pedigree, color, structure, and length of hair.
For example, a puppy sired by a well-known, well-structured fluffy French Bulldog in today’s market who is visually fluffy will cost more. Therefore, this puppy may start at $10,000 and will go up from there.
Many of the full fluffy French Bulldog studs who are working today have a stud fee of $7,000 and up. A visually fluffy stud with correct structure who carries one or more of the rare colors is still very desirable in 2023.
Supply and demand dictates pricing of long haired French Bulldogs, just as it does with any commodity. Do you love the look of a furry French Bulldog but just can’t afford the sticker price? Then we advise you to save your money and wait.
As these long-haired beauties are produced and more and more people have them, their price will hopefully come down. This holds true for breeders as well. Although we do not have any fluffy carriers in our pack at RickJenn Frenchies today, we may in the future.
Be sure to like and follow us at RickJenn Frenchies on Facebook for the most exciting litter announcements. You will get to see if we decide to dip our toes in the fluffy French Bulldog pool!
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